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Why LibertyBits?

  • November 8, 2017
  • Comment: 0
  • News

The main purpose for this conference is:

  1. To spread the word about the benefits of blockchain as an underlying technology of a trustless consensus mechanism and the cryptocurrencies as an added value for our society, compared to the legacy financial and economic systems;
  2. To raise awareness and importance of keeping our privacy and securing our communications in a world of global surveillance;
  3. To showcase any actual trends of using alternative energy sources and rethink the possibility to cut-off the wire and dependencies to the common energy providers for people, who are ready to try that.

The conference will meet the search of “hungry” (young) people from the Balkans region with the demand of cutting-edge blockchain projects, privacy, and off-the-grid innovators in order to deliver outstanding and inspiring talks about our present and near future, making the world a better and safer place to live.

It will be the first time this conference will take place and aims to become a center-stage for fascinating talks from trendsetters to tech-savvy, financially educated and liberty-focused English speaking international audience from Bulgaria and its neighbor countries (a.k.a The Balkans).

Bulgaria is a small country in South East Europe with a magnificent nature. Despite its relatively small market and low buying power, it has its leading role in the Balkan region as an outsourcing services center for many international companies. Because of its good education level, especially in the IT environment and software development, many young Bulgarians in the capital city poses a strong computer literacy and become the creators of innovative startups or are constantly being headhunted for key roles in leading tech companies worldwide.

The speakers (presenters) are meant to be mainly two categories:

a) independent blockchain/privacy/off-the-grid advocates and

b) company speakers.

The independent speakers can elaborate on any important aspects (new chances/possibilities/threats/risks/impacts) for the society about particular actions or lack of them.

The company speakers can reflect on some key points in front of the audience about the businesses/projects they are representing, such as:

  1. What are we doing/creating?
  2. Why are we creating it (or what problem(s) are we solving with it)?
  3. Who will benefit from our project/product/services/activities?
  4. How we could make the everyday life of the normal people easier (cheaper / more effective / more secure / more private)?
  5. How are we standing out (from the crowd/competition)?

Take the chance and reserve your seat A.S.A.P. for the second edition of LibertyBits Conference here:

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